So, I got this new helmet thing for my "misshapen" head that everyone keeps talking about. I, of course, think I look fine, but whatever. Mommy says I need to wear it 23 hours a day! I'm like "Are you kidding me? What will my girl cousins think? And right during the holidays when there will be pictures galore!" But as most things in my life I take it in stride, and wear it like a good little boy without any complaints, because I'm cool like that.
Well, OK maybe one.
Then Mommy pimped my helmet and now I'm stylin'. Oh, and by the way I am eating in this picture. That's right real food. I think it was squash that day, a family favorite. It's just alright for me.
Are you kidding me with this? Who can sleep this way? Helmet and bi-pap mask? But actually the helmet makes my mask fit more comfortably, and I usually sleep all the way through the night with it. I"ll take the perks where I can get them.