Wednesday, November 18, 2009


We decorated for Christmas the other night, which consists mostly of Joe doing all the work while I sit on the couch and watch "White Christmas". I do help a little, but it is Joe's favorite thing in all the world to do. He looks forward to this all year, so I sit back and let him do his magic.

The tree. Our camera is really bad so you can't really grasp how beautiful it is. Just trust me.

Mila insisted on helping with the "socks". (wow we really need a new camera)

Then she made me take this picture down through the tree. Pretty creative. Classic Mila face.

The boys wanted to be "waddled" in blankets as they drank hot chocolate and watched "How the Grinch Stole Christmas".

And so we "waddled" them.

Grey watched from the couch, contented as always.

The kids wanted to help. But after some minor destruction, chaos, and fits...

this is all we let them do.


  1. Wow, you really need a new camera! This is just not doing your house, or your children, justice.

  2. I wanna be waddled in front of your Christmas tree too. I love your house at Christmas!

  3. Oh Magraw. He can kill me with cuteness. I second the new camera idea. You need Kenz to come take pictures of that mess! And I am laughing hysterically at the paper Santa suit taped to the wall. What even IS that?

    Security word? anti skin. I guess some people just don't like the skin.

  4. I didn't even know you had a camera! What is that peice of crap? :) Your house is the BEST at Christmas!! I love the pictures of the kids, so cute... even though the camera is whack.

  5. You definitely have the magical decorating spirit that Lills does--you guys ROCK at this (and you married obliging gentlemen to do the grunt work for you- geniuses.)

    I agree- it was the santa suit that made me laugh out loud. The bleak picture added to its hilarity.

  6. Ahhh, and if I had one red cent I would get a new camera for Christmas, but alass I dunna.
    Anti Skin

  7. Very nice indeed. I've been trying to get meself a new camera for 2 years now. It's looking like it's not happening this year either. Boo hoo.

  8. Love it! So cute =) Was that Santa made of play-dough?

  9. What a fun post! It made me get excited to start some decorating myself.

  10. ah, charlotte. i'm so glad you're blogging. now i can stalk you with ferver. --that sounded better in my head.
    you kids are insanely adorable. and the house looks great even if your camera does suck. would you care to come decorate my abode?

    later gator.
